" I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him." ~Booker T. Washington
Hey Guys. Every one says that the success of any sales (or) marketing team is not just the work of any individual, but the whole team.
Some times, it fails to be true.
What do we do when we have a co-worker who always tries to dominate you fearing that we would go way past him... It's pretty common now a days. When some one gets into a new job, they feel so excited and want to give it their best shot. But, due to some reason, may be lack of skill or due to the fact that they are lazy; they do not give 100% @ their job and try to over power their team mates to be on top of the food chain..
Its the human psychology by default. What do we do when we come across a self centered guy in work ?
Step 1 : Stop all personal talks with the guy.
Step 2 : Make sure you do your job to the best. Make a strong statement by being much more competitive in work. ( Like good quality in work, more sales, work effort, what ever we can do to out perform them).
In most cases, they are guys who just sit in their desk having lots & lots of coffee pretending as if they are working hard for the growth of the company. ha ha ha...
Step 3 : Maintain a report on your good performance & approach your management seeking for a much better role in responsibility and take home pay..
Guys, please remember that its highly professional and nothing personal.
Labels: How to deal with HATERS at work