If you sell products online on your site, you always want to keep a lookout for what's happening and how you are going to move on with sales. Everything depends on some basic factors. Scenario ---> Shopping site to go for 2. Average Sales --> Cost per click shopping sites + Cost per sales shopping sites + Free listing shopping sites 3. Below Average --> Free Listing Shopping sites + Cost per sale shopping sites 4. No sales --> Write Articles and submit them to the top article sites + Google product search Scenario ---> Advertising 2. Average Sales --> Google Ad sense + Articles and submit them to the top article sites + Blog writing 3. Below Average --> Articles and submit them to the top article sites + Blog writing 4. No sales --> Articles and submit them to the top article sites + Blog writing Another important thing is to keep bench marking your competitors and always upgrade to “State of the art technology and Strategy”.
· Popularity of your website
· Popularity of you store in the state and nation wide
· Regular Shoppers
· Good shipping facilities
· Customer Support
But if you want to stay ahead of the race, you need to list your products in the shopping sites and follow the right strategies at the right time.
1. Good Sales --> Cost per click shopping sites + Free listing shopping sites like Google Product Search
1. Good Sales --> Google Ad sense + Yahoo Search engine Marketing