Breaking the barriers and getting business for the company is the core deal. No matter the limitations are high and the possibilities are low. Many of the sales guys begin their business call with a mentality full of possibilities. They will be trying hard to sell without knowing - what to sell?…our attitude or the service? You can sell your service only to the person who needs it. However, selling attitude could gain you many more prospects.
After getting some business deals, guys lose control over their attitude. They start reacting like a boss. Keep in your mind, after every successful deal, you are nothing and there is a lot to go. Need to work on your attitude once again and should release the proud feeling. That’s again a way to success.
Chasing and spending too much time with a prospect and wasting time irrelevantly could collapse a sound business deal. Time management, talking to the point, precise commitment and keeping a prospect in a comfort zone, are the well known tips for a sound deal.
LUCK won’t be sitting next to us for every single deal.
Still there is a lot to learn and prove….
Labels: breaking business, closing deals, selling attitude